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SystemMultiple | LicenceFreeware | PortableYes | Downloads17 | Ratings50 | File Size6,8 MB |
TV-Browser is a free electronic TV guide, which showcases the range of over 1,000 television stations, 100 radio stations and 100 cinemas. With plug-ins, you can also include the data of other programs. Because the software is a Java program, it runs on all platforms.
The current radio, cinema and television program is currently being downloaded from the web directly from the transmitters. The program can be searched for specific keywords, so you never miss your favorite shows. Meanwhile, even pictures, and a sync to Outlook, the Google Calendar and Apple iCal is possible.
A list of all available statios can be found on this website.
English, German
Freeware - GPL Licence
Windows, Mac, Linux, Others
Requires Java
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