The World of Software

Welcome to the English pages of, the global listing for software of all kinds. No matter whether you are looking for browser-based applications or software for Windows, Linux, Mac, Pocket-PCs or your mobile phone, here you are right. We even gladly care about your needs as a software developer or around your personal individual software desires.

The most popular Software

In this compilation, you can see the most popular software and the most downloaded products for each system. Further popular software, you can find in the Software Top 100.









Share your favourite software

No matter whether you simply like to use software and you want to recommend some applications or you are writing your own software - you are invited to submit the software on our page and to help lots of people with this. Of course, submitting software is free, quick and easy. You can simply use our submitting form and follow the instructions. If you are looking for alternative promoting possibilities for your software beyond the normal entries, you should have a look at the developer portal.

Individual Software Solutions

The needs and wishes regarding software differ strongly. Depending on on the area of application, your personal needs, requirements and preferences, there can be completely different optimal solutions for two solutions looking similar at the first sight. To meet this variety of requirements, a custom software programming can be a good solution. Also an individual customization of existing products may be helpful to make your desired functionality available. More information on this topic can be found in our portal for individual solutions.

Software Developer

If you are developing software on your own or you are part of a software developer team that is specialized on developing individual solutions, please feel free to contact us. Convince us of your skills and expertise and we can give you orders. More about this subject and more information on how you can profit from our web site can be found on our developer pages.


We have all software entries assigned to a category. Here you can go to all applications of the category you are interested in.


Show only the software which is running on your system.

Individual Software

You do not want to have a software off the shelf and you prefer an individual solution fitting to your personal wishes and desires? Learn about individual software solutions.